Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting out and about!

The 'surprise Hoffman" has graduated to an apple!  I can't believe we are 15 weeks along already.  This means Gus has a few months left to get ready to be rid of the mommy-itis and become an independant 18  month old!  We will see how that goes...
"Awwww...the apple of our eyes."
Gus has been experiencing all kinds of things at school these days.  He graduated to the frogs room along with his "girlfriend" Lauren.  She must really like Gus considering she took his diaper off while he was sleeping the other day and waived it around the room like a victory flag.  We had to have a mother - son talk after that one! 
He loves his new room.  They have been playing with play dough, painting, going outside and singing with Mr. Rob that comes in once a week.  He greeted me the other day by pulling up his shirt,  pointing to his belly button and saying bel be - bel be...his word for belly button...the funny thing is he thinks Quentin has 3 of them.  Is it too early to say nipple not belly button?  :-)
He has been eating and drinking milk like an athlete before a final game and growing everyday.  His 12 months clothes are almost too small on him.  I have a feeling him and his Dad are going to keep the dairy farms in business!  In that respect we need to have a girl.
Gus has been "practicing" over at Grandpa and Mimis house for longer and longer periods away from Mommy and Daddy.  He is up to an hour and doing well.  We are going to try 1 1/2 hours this weekend. 
Grandma has been spending lots of time with Gus as well they play with toys and read a lot of books together on the weekends.  Grandma recently bought Gus some clothes for the fall since he didn't really have any.  Mommy enjoyed the shopping trip with Grandma while Daddy entertained Gus in the store!  He is going to be super cute in his new outfits!  Look out Lauren!
It is a dark and rainy morning on the way to school.  It must be a very relaxing drive since Gus fell asleep with his hand in his cheerios that he was eating for breakfast on the way.  Too Cute!!

Gus and Mommy hug before their bike ride.
Gus and Mommy are ready to go on a bike ride!

Come on let's go...I'm ready!

Daddy and Gus leaving for a bike ride.

Gus and Jazzmin are playing in the laundry basket while Daddy pulls them around the room.  We now have to hide the laundry basket or Gus gets in and is READY for a ride!

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