Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What will Santa bring?

As I am sure all of you are...we have been very busy getting ready for the holidays.  We ended up getting Gus a few more Christmas presents then we planned, but we are so excited for him to wake up Christmas morning to see all that Santa has brought him!  After spending Christmas Eve with Grandma and family we plan on spending our own little family Christmas together Christmas morning and are anticipating how amazed Gus will be.  We will then travel to Mimi and Grandpa's house to celebrate Christamas with that side of the family. 

The baby seems to be growing right on schedule according to the doctor.  She anticipates us to deliver a couple weeks early.  With that being said that means we have about 7 weeks left.  We are ready to get the nursery back together and cleaned up after moving Gus to his big boy room.  I'll have to take pictures!  It turned out really cute.  He has been doing really great in his big boy bed.  He also has been potty training and poo-pooed for the first time in the potty just the other day.  We were so excited for him.  He knows what he is supposed to do now it is just getting him to remember to do it!

We have been having all kinds of conversations these days with Gus but only he knows what the conversation is really about.  I think we are in for some less then quiet days ahead.  He has really been trying to communicate as best he can as we are trying to interpret what he means.  He has thrown a few temper tantrums but we have been ignoring them and they are seeming to go away.  It is pretty funny when he does have one but we do our best to turn the away so he can't see us smirking at how darn cute he is.  I am sure that is not the goal he has in mind ;-)

Enjoy pictures from seeing the Holiday Train at Union Sation!
Hope this entry finds everyone happy and healthy this holiday season.  We wish you all the best and think of you often!

~The Hoffman's

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