Friday, February 11, 2011

Charlotte Theresa Hoffman

At 12:11pm on Monday, February 7th we met the newest member of the Hoffman Family, Charlotte. She was born weighing 7.1 lbs and measuring 19 inches long. She is a happy, healthy baby girl and Gus is excited to have a new baby sister.

We are all busy getting to know her and it just doesn't seem like life gets any better than this!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What will Santa bring?

As I am sure all of you are...we have been very busy getting ready for the holidays.  We ended up getting Gus a few more Christmas presents then we planned, but we are so excited for him to wake up Christmas morning to see all that Santa has brought him!  After spending Christmas Eve with Grandma and family we plan on spending our own little family Christmas together Christmas morning and are anticipating how amazed Gus will be.  We will then travel to Mimi and Grandpa's house to celebrate Christamas with that side of the family. 

The baby seems to be growing right on schedule according to the doctor.  She anticipates us to deliver a couple weeks early.  With that being said that means we have about 7 weeks left.  We are ready to get the nursery back together and cleaned up after moving Gus to his big boy room.  I'll have to take pictures!  It turned out really cute.  He has been doing really great in his big boy bed.  He also has been potty training and poo-pooed for the first time in the potty just the other day.  We were so excited for him.  He knows what he is supposed to do now it is just getting him to remember to do it!

We have been having all kinds of conversations these days with Gus but only he knows what the conversation is really about.  I think we are in for some less then quiet days ahead.  He has really been trying to communicate as best he can as we are trying to interpret what he means.  He has thrown a few temper tantrums but we have been ignoring them and they are seeming to go away.  It is pretty funny when he does have one but we do our best to turn the away so he can't see us smirking at how darn cute he is.  I am sure that is not the goal he has in mind ;-)

Enjoy pictures from seeing the Holiday Train at Union Sation!
Hope this entry finds everyone happy and healthy this holiday season.  We wish you all the best and think of you often!

~The Hoffman's

Friday, December 3, 2010

The holiday season is upon us!

Well Thanksgiving went by in a flash.  We had a great time visiting family, eating and playing all day long.  We started off at Grandpa and Mimi's house and ended up at Aunt Barbara's house.  Gus was so tuckered out he didn't even make the 10 minute drive home without falling asleep.  I think he might have made it 2 minutes.  The next day we joined Aunt Erica, Uncle Ryan, and cousins' Emma and John to see Santa come in town on his sleigh and sit down with the kids to hear their wishes at Crown Center
got . 
Baby H. #2 is growing and growing and growing!  12 weeks and counting.  Our little chinese cabbage (the size it is at 28 weeks) is moving all the time now.  This is a nice surprise since we had a little scare where there was about a week where I could hardly feel any movement at all.  We still are in the dark about what we are having but have talked about the different scenarios wondering what things will be like.  We have decided on a girls and a boys name at this point.  We have not come up with any firm back-ups though in case once the baby is born we are not feeling the original name we picked out.  I get my gestational diabetes test tomorrow with my monthly check up and then we start going every 2 weeks until the last month where we go every week.
Gus' big boy room is coming together.  He has a refurbished dresser, new mattress and box spring, new bedding, lamp, picture and area rug.  We have been playing in there at nights so he can get used to it.  We are going to try him in there on Friday night with the bed on the floor and see how he does.  If all goes well maybe in a month or so we will put the bed on a frame and use the headboard and footboard that Daddy and Grandpa put so much hardwork into and built just for Gus!  It is very cool.  Gus will love it I am sure.
As far as Quentin and I we are doing very well.  We are anxious for the baby but are enjoying our time with Gus before the baby comes.  We are really looking forward to Christmas morning this year since Gus will be more aware of what is going on.  I am not sure if we are not more excited then Gus :-)

Gus and the Chiefs Tree at Union Station

Gus and I with Lairah and Quaid at Union Station
Cousins John and Gus playing on Thanksgiving

The next Mozart :-)
Cousins John, Gus and Emma all playing the piana on Thanksgiving

Like father like son...licking the beaters after whipping up some whip cream
Waiting for Santa's arrival at Crown Center

Santa is pulling up in his sleigh

Hi Santa!!!!

"What I want for Christmas is......"

Crayola land where we visited Santa

Tunnel at Crayola Land
Emma opening presents on her 6th birthday

Gus at Emma's birthday party

Gus and Daddy playing in John's room at Emma's party

Wood that Grandpa and Daddy used to build Gus' big boy bed

Headboard and footboard before painting

Grandpa painting the bed

Gus met up with some girls at Adam and Carmen's wedding...he went up to them, pulled out a chair, and turned on the charm!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Trick or Treat

Our sixth month appointment went well.  We are measuring on schedule but the doctor thinks we will not go full term since Gus came 3 weeks early.  The heartbeat was 142 which could indicate a girl if you believe in those myths that are right 50% of the time!  The baby has been kicking up a storm and responding to sounds and motion more and more everyday.  The baby is the size of a hot house cucumber at this point.

Gus on the other hand is learning faster than we could have ever imagined.  He has started potty training...yes it is a little early but he is showing signs of being ready so we are going with it.  He has been going about 2-3 times at school and once at home each day.  He does better with Quentin then he does with me.  With a little bit of help he pushes his pants up and down, flushes and washes his hand when he is done.  I am so impressed with this little guy! 

He has also taking a liking to spending time with his grandparents.  I think he has realized how he gets spoiled and loved to pieces when he is with them.

Halloween was a lot of fun.  We went trick or treating with Gus' cousins Emma and John and his friend Milo.  The kids were really cute.  Gus also had a Halloween parade at school and his girlfriend there was Peppy Le Pew.
Getting ready for the parade

Gus, Julia and Annica - hanging out with the girls
Lauren (Gus' girlfriend)
Snack time after the parade.

Getting ready for trick or treating at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's House.
Trick or Treat for the first time

Milo the pumpkin, Emma the peacock, John the garden gnome and Gus the frog prince.
Trick or treating with Mommy and Daddy
Cheesing for the camera!
 Look at me I'm such a big boy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Keeping Busy

The best news of all...we had our last sonogram and it turned out perfect!  The baby is healthy as can be and is weighing in at 14 oz.  He or she is the size of a carrot right now :-)  The doctor said the due date is right on schedule - 2.21.11!  We still are anxiously anticipating the arrival of our son or daughter and can't wait to share the news with everyone.  I am slowly gaining weight which is okay with me, but I should be gaining a pound a week from here on out...YIKES!!!  The baby has been moving around a lot more lately.  Quentin hasn't gotten to feel it yet, but we are hopeful the baby will say "Hi" to Daddy very soon. 

Gus has been very expressive lately.  He is trying to talk and doing a great job.  We communicate very well for the few words that he uses.  Mama, Dada, Bye-Bye, Hi, Thank You, Belly Button, Bubbles, Ball, Nite Nite, Shakes his head yes or no and he signs milk, more, all done, all gone and he points at everything he thinks is cool. 
Speaking of things cool...Gus is so excited by cars, trucks, trains, tractors anything mechanical and loves Daddy's tools! 
We have recently been busy as usual.  The MS Bike ride where Grandma, Grandpa, Mark and Sarah all rode the MS 150 in support of MS research.  It was a really neat experience to meet them in Sedalia, MO at the half way point and then back at Raymore Peculiar H.S for the finish line.  We also had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch with Grandma and Ryan.  Gus saw his first train and absolutely loved it at his cousin John's 2nd Birthday party. 
Things seem to be going very well for Quentin and I.  We are just loving the last few months we have with Gus before the baby is born.  We celebrated our 2nd anniversary in St. Charles, MO.  We had a wonderful time even though we talked about Gus, how much we missed him and got so excited when we were on our way home to pick him up.

Good Job Grandpa!!!

MS 150 Team with Mommy and Gus
Helping Mommy Cook
Daddy teaching Gus to play golf

Look out Fred Flinstone
Our pumpkins we picked at the pumpkin patch
Gus playing in the mums at the pumpkin patch
Lunch in St. Charles for our anniversary with hot tea and the fire pit behind us
Grandpa pushing Gus in cousin John's new dump truck at this 2nd Birthday party
Aunt Erica and Gus opening John's new dump truck
Gus loves chili
"Oooohh Grandpa look at the train!"
Mimi and Gus at John's party
"I like long walks in the park and dinner by moonlight if your available?"

Tuckered out from all the fun